Wednesday, August 8, 2012

River City Community Players "Happy Days" review by puppyloveman

Saturday, what a Day..Happy Days Review
Rating: 5

Happy Days - A New Musical
River City Community Players

I recently saw "Happy Days" for the second time over the past weekend. I had two see it once again due to the fact that I did not get around to reviewing it the first time when I saw it the second night (Saturday the 28th). I figured I needed to review it now before I forgot again, so here it goes.

The River City Community Players have completely outdone them selves, in the best way possible. I mean, really, the production team of the show as well as the set (the sheer size is impressive enough!) put something on that community theater stage to be proud of (I am serious: had I not known what RCCP meant, I would have thought that was a professional show). The set was like none I had ever seen ... a giant TV, really?! The music was phenomenal, choreography - simply amazing (I also saw "Producers" with the same director and choreographer, and for some reason I prefer this one...), and the acting ... OH THE ACTING. From the Finger snappin' cool guy lead Fonzie, to the small girl in the blue dress in the ensemble (she had to be about 9 or 10) the cast was fantastic.

But a few characters in particular I feel deserve mention. Kevin Albee (Howard Cunningham), a the classic home town dad, sadly naive as to the inner needs of his loving wife. Danielle Sachse (Joanie Cunningham) was a simple joy that was splendid to view on stage. Raphael Tate (Jumpy Malachi) was a spectacle to watch as a submissive comical character. And, last but not least, Chris Foglio as the King of cool Aurthur Fonzerelli showed wonderful life and energy that greatly lives up to TV's original.

Looking back, I realize two things first and foremost .... One, it was amazing having seen it twice and picking up so much more, and two... I may have written a lot seeing as though I am not a man of few words, but even this review did not do the show justice. I greatly recommend this musical!!

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