This article is from the October 2010 issue of KC Stage
As schools start up once again, we asked the contacts at the organizations registered with KC Stage Magazine to help us come up with a fall reading guide ― books they’d recommend for people wanting to be involved the performing arts, whether it’s on stage, back stage, or in administration. Here’s what we got ― so get ready for the school year and study!

“I attended a forum for the arts where Michael Kaiser was the guest speaker. His personal experiences in reshaping arts’ organizations are inspiring and motivating. I often read his book when I feel discouraged, and soon remember what my purpose is here in the arts.” ―Connie Willis, Robidoux Resident Theatre in St. Joseph.
Carver’s Manual on Community Theatre Directing by Jim Carver, published 2010, Hansa-Hewlett Publishing Co.
“Jim Carver, long-time director at the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre, published a step by step approach to directing. It is primarily aimed at new directors, but includes much for experienced directors as well. Mr. Carver talks about how to get started; preparing the production concept; how to block using sub-text to tell the story; audition procedures; conducting rehearsals; techniques for directing the actor; and what to be concerned about when directing comedies, dramas and musicals. Mr. Carver is an expert in directing comedy and has conducted many workshops on the subject.” ― Carole E. Ries, Topeka Civic Theatre & Academy, Inc.
Acting Professionally by Robert Cohen, published 2009, Palgrave Macmillan
“Get the latest edition you can find. I have the 6th edition updated in 2004. If you are pondering acting as a profession you need to read this book. This isn’t theory or artistic debate: it is nuts and bolts information on the profession itself, the agents, the auditions, theatre, film, resumes, contracts, locations, unions, casting directors, and more.”― Herman Johansen, Martin Tanner Productions.
The Intent to Live: Achieving Your True Potential as an Actor by Larry Moss, published 2005, Bantam
“A dynamic acting text written in 2005. Moss studied with the likes of Adler and Meisner and coached the likes of Helen Hunt, Leo DiCaprio, Tobey McGuire, Jim Carrey, and Jason Alexander. This is very concrete, accessible material and he knows what he’s talking about.” ― Herman Johansen, Martin Tanner Productions.
The Nonprofit Strategy Revolution: Real-Time Strategic Planning in a Rapid-Response World by David LaPiana, published 2008, Fieldstone Alliance
“The current ‘bible’ on strategic planning and fundraising for non-profits. If you’re on that end of the art, it is a great resource and even has a CD included with sample documents and outlines for planning.” ― Herman Johansen, Martin Tanner Productions.
Have a recommendation yourself? E-mail with a short paragraph or two as to why you recommend the book. Please include your name and the book’s title, author, published date, and publisher.
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